
Services Internationalization: Latin America and Northern Europe

Since we were able to predict the real state and economic crisis we managed to survive it and to even come out successfully from it. In 2009 we understood that Spain would be damaged for years and, consequently, we only had two possibilities: the emerging countries or Northern Europe countries with high purchasing power. We had a positive INTERNATIONAL experience in Panama until the crisis taught us that massive cash injections from developed countries are going to push emerging countries into a major crisis. This is already starting to happen so we strive for Central and Northern Europe.


New approach: Building Rehabilitation

In order to be able to work in those European countries that are being least affected by the crisis and in a high purchasing power market, we moved part of our businesses to Majorca since we believe it is the ideal framework for them. We also understand that the building business has to be redirected towards the REHABILITATION of buildings since the consumption of resources of new residential complexes, not only of land resources but energy and other kinds as well, render them unsustainable and we believe future lies in a less environmentally aggressive activity.



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